Monday 6 May 2013

A healthy lifestyle is a necessity and not a Luxury.

You are what you eat.  The question is are you eating healthy?

Yes, what you put in will determine if you are eating healthy.  When you feel good... you look good and when you look good... you feel good.  Eating healthy makes you enjoy life and stay positive as well, but you have to stay committed and maintain it by stay discipline[ stay away from junk food] permanently.

Is't so far so good? remember New Years Resolutions where we all say, I want to loose weight and I want a healthy lifestyle? How many of us have maintained that 'symbolic line' in the resolutions? Well guess what, I have and I'm loving the new me.  Every moment of it ... but it comes with sacrifice and discipline.  I have made drastic changes in my life, with desire to do so provided healthy diets.  In 2012, that's were it all began with an exercise and walking in the morning three times a week helped.

Roger Bezani, a Foodist  says, "Don't fear change, fear that old bad habits are saving at you legs beyond your awareness, mating them abandon you on the journey".  Couldn't agree more, why do we waste time harm, burden and toxic our body with junk food? We put our health at risk.

A great recipe last forever, so as a healthy lifestyle.  We tend to forget that, whatever we put in our mouth or more than the body craves is dangerous and not a healthier way.  Certain steps are followed living a healthy lifestyle but with luxurious, it's a one way ticket to no return.  Once you there,you will spoil yourself immensely and forget about health matters.  You will  be rooted to the luxury lifestyle... Its warmth, easy excess to everything you want in life.

A few months ago, South African couple made headlines in New Zealand and across the world about their weight issue.  The couple lives in New Zealand, said to have relocated from South Africa because of high crime rate to start a new life there.  This cames after a newly elected democratic government in South Africa, twenty years ago which made the majority of white people to leave the country.  They are both successful in their career as Chefs in New Zealand.

Regret gaining weight, It is said that the couple were denied access at the hospital because they are over weight.  There are rules needs to be followed health wise by citizens, just like in other countries in New Zealand people should not pass the scale number or measurement of weighing process.  Living a luxurious life caused them an equal health care service, humiliation and putting their health at risk.  All of this merge into bad habits and bad decision making, whereas they forgot about maintaining their a healthy lifestyle by exercising and eating healthy.

"The exercise of patience will be essential from now on we will be healthier Chefs", said the couple.  "Yes, we regret and we will strive for a good health", continued the couple.  A study published in the journal Obesity found that when a portion of food is double in size, people eat about 80 percent more.  Highly at risk, eating more of what our body bugs for.  You can make amends today... committing yourself to slow down and steady progress, it's the healthier way to slim down.

Good choices for life, keep making those good choices.

By Nelly Portia

You may have comments, news to share about Health,  you are welcome to do so.

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